
# File FXTreeList.rb, line 45
    def initialize(text, openIcon=nil, closedIcon=nil, data=nil) # :yields: theItem
    # Set the focus on this tree item (_focus_ is either +true+ or +false+)
    def setFocus(focus) ; end

    # Returns +true+ if this item has the focus
    def hasFocus? ; end
    # Returns +true+ if this item is selected
    def selected? ; end
    # Returns +true+ if this item is opened
    def opened? ; end
    # Returns +true+ if this item is expanded
    def expanded? ; end
    # Returns +true+ if this item is enabled
    def enabled? ; end
    # Returns +true+ if this item is draggable
    def draggable? ; end
    # Returns +true+ if this item owns its icons
    def iconOwned? ; end
    # Returns the item's text
    def to_s
    # Get the width of this item
    def getWidth(treeList) ; end
    # Get the height of this item
    def getHeight(treeList) ; end
    # Create this tree item
    def create; end

    # Detach this tree item
    def detach; end

    # Destroy this tree item
    def destroy; end