jpegCreate color images from JPEG files.
SYNOPSIS(image 'create 'jpeg ?name? ?options?)DESCRIPTIONJPG is a popular image file format for storing images. The jpeg image type can be used to create color images using JPEG files (aka .jpg. files).CREATING JPEG IMAGESLike all images, jpegs are created using the image create command. Jpeg images support the following options:
IMAGE PROCEDUREWhen a jpeg image is created, Tk also creates a new procedure whose name is the same as the image. This procedure may be used to invoke various operations on the image. It has the following general form:(imageName option ?arg arg ...?)Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the procedure. The following commands are possible for jpeg images:
INITIALIZATIONUse (require "jpeg") to initialize the jpeg package.CREDITSThis implementation of the jpeg image format was done by Andrew Swan <aswan@cs.berkeley.edu>SEE ALSObitmap, make-image, image, photo, pixmap |