// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 David Muse
// See the COPYING file for more information.
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
// Semaphores allow processes to synchronize their activities.
// A semaphore is just a number with two primary operations that can be
// performed on it: signal() and wait()
// The operations are analagous to:
// int semaphore;
// void signal() {
// semaphore++; // increment the semaphore
// }
// void wait() {
// while (!semaphore>0); // wait until the semaphore>0
// semaphore--; // decrement the semaphore
// }
// The actual signal() and wait() operations are atomic. There is no chance
// of another process getting context-switched in and changing the semaphore
// value between the two lines of code in the wait() process.
// Semaphores can be initialized to any number.
// The initial value of the semaphore corresponds to the number of processes
// that will pass directly through their wait() calls without being blocked.
// Processes that get blocked calling wait() are placed in a queue. When
// another process calls signal(), the process at the head of the queue is
// unblocked.
// A semaphoreset is just a collection of related semaphores.
// A semaphoreset is owned by a user and group and has access permissions
// just like a file.
class semaphoreset {
// Creates a semaphore set.
virtual ~semaphoreset();
// Cleans up and removes the semaphore set
// if it was created by create() or
// createOrAttach() below. If the semaphore
// was just attached to, it is not removed.
int create(key_t key, mode_t permissions,
int semcount, int *values);
// Creates a semaphore set identified by "key"
// containing "semcount" semaphores.
// "key" should be generated using the ftok
// function.
// "permissions" sets the access permissions
// for the set.
// "values" should be an array of starting
// values for each of the semaphores
// in the set.
int attach(key_t key, int semcount);
// Attaches to an already existing semaphore set
// identified by "key", containing "semcount"
// semaphores.
int createOrAttach(key_t key, mode_t permissions,
int semcount, int *values);
// Attempts to create the semaphore set
// identified by "key". If this fails, it
// attempts to attach to a semaphore set
// identified by "key".
void dontRemove();
// Instructs the destructor not to remove the semaphore
// set if it was created during a call to create() or
// createOrAttach() above. This is useful if an
// application creates a semaphore set then forks and
// wants to delete the semaphore set in the forked
// process but does not want the semaphore removed from
// the system.
int forceRemove();
// Removes the semaphore set, whether it
// was created or attached to.
void showErrors();
// errors will be printed to stderr
void dontShowErrors();
// errors will not be printed to stderr
int getId();
// Returns the internal id for the semaphore set.
int wait(int index);
// wait on the "index"'th semaphore in the set
int signal(int index);
// signal on the "index"'th semaphore in the set
int waitWithUndo(int index);
// wait on the "index"'th semaphore in the set and
// undo the wait when the program exits
int signalWithUndo(int index);
// signal on the "index"'th semaphore in the set and
// undo the signal when the program exits
int setValue(int index, int value);
// set the "index"'th semaphore in the set to "value"
int getValue(int index);
// return the value of the "index"'th
// semaphore in the set
int setUserName(char *username);
// makes this semaphore set owned by
// the user "username"
int setGroupName(char *groupname);
// makes this semaphore set owned by
// the group "groupname"
int setUserId(ushort uid);
// makes this semaphore set owned by
// the user identified by "uid"
int setGroupId(ushort gid);
// makes this semaphore set owned by
// the group identified by "gid"
int setPermissions(mode_t permissions);
// sets the access permissions for this
// semaphore set to "permissions"
char *getUserName();
// returns the name of the user that owns this
// semaphore set
char *getGroupName();
// returns the name of the group that owns this
// semaphore set
ushort getUserId();
// returns the user id of the user that owns this
// semaphore set
ushort getGroupId();
// returns the group id of the group that owns this
// semaphore set
mode_t getPermissions();
// returns the access permissions for this
// semaphore set
int getWaitingForZero(int index);
// returns the number of processes that
// are waiting for the semaphore to become 0
int getWaitingForIncrement(int index);
// returns the number of processes that
// are waiting for the semaphore to increment
#include <rudiments/private/semaphoreset.h>