// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 David Muse
// See the COPYING file for more information.
#ifndef TEXT_H
#define TEXT_H
// The text class provides methods for performing commonly needed transforms
// on strings of text.
class text {
static void upper(char *string);
// converts "string" to uppercase
static void lower(char *string);
// converts "string" to lowercase
static void rightTrim(char *string);
// trims all spaces off of the right hand
// side of "string"
static void rightTrim(char *string, char character);
// trims all characters off of the right hand
// side of "string"
static void leftTrim(char *string);
// trims all spaces off of the left hand
// side of "string"
static void leftTrim(char *string, char character);
// trims all characters off of the left hand
// side of "string"
static void bothTrim(char *string);
// trims all spaces off of both
// sides of "string"
static void bothTrim(char *string, char character);
// trims all characters off of both
// sides of "string"
static void strip(char *string, char character);
// strips all instances of "character"
// from "string"
static void strip(char *string1, char *string2);
// strips all instances of "string2"
// from "string1"
static int isInteger(char *val);
// returns 1 the string "val" is an integer
// and 0 if it is not an integer
static int isNumber(char *val);
// returns 1 the string "val" is a number
// and 0 if it is not a number
static char *httpEscape(char *input);
// http escapes "input" and returns it in a
// buffer allocated inside the function.
// This buffer must be deleted by the calling
// program.