ASHE (A Simple HTML Editor) - xhtml 1.3ASHE was designed and implemented by:John R. Punin ASHE was supervised by: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy © 1994 Copyright by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
IntroductionThis document is a description of a HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Editor (ASHE). HTML is the markup language used in the World Wide Web project and the NCSA Mosaic networked information browser. This editor does not cover HTML entirely but this tool will help you to create full HTML documents in no time. The name of this editor is ASHE (A Simple HTML Editor) and it is written in C and Motif OSF Windows. The visual interface is based on the XMosaic Visual interface since the purpose of this editor is to write HTML documents that can be browsed by Mosaic.
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User Manual
Starting ASHEStart the program up by typing xhtml. After a short delay, a window will appear with the title HTML Editor The main window has the following sections :
To start writing your document you have to focus on the text window. To use the menus you click in the Labels of the Menu Bar. All menus are pull down and you can choose any of the items of the menus by just clicking in one of them.
Up: ASHE Menu
Writing a simple HTML DocumentIf you want to write a very simple HTML Document you should know how to use these three commands: Title, Header and Paragraph. These commands are under the Menu HTML and also are implemented as Push Buttons in the bottom of the main window. If you would rather use the keyboard than the mouse, refer to the Key Bindings where you can find the control keys to execute these commands. Here is an example of a simple document :
<TITLE>My First HTML Document</TITLE> <H1>This is a big Header</H1> This is a short paragraph I do not like to write too much<P> All HTML documents must have a title. In general HTML use tags to indicate formatting or structural information. A tag is simply a left angle bracket ( < ) followed by a directive and zero or more parameters followed by a right angle bracket ( > ).
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When you execute the Title option from the HTML menu, a Dialog window pops up asking you for the title. If you already have a title in your document, this is replaced, otherwise the title is inserted at the begining of the document and appears in the title bar. You can also select with the mouse a section of your document and this will be your new title.
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The Header option pops up a Dialog Window that lets you select between 6 sizes of the headers where 1 is the biggest and the default in the window. If you had selected a line of text prior to selecting the Header option then a begin header tag appears to the immediate left of the selected text and the end header tag appears to the immediate right of the selected text. If no text was selected then the header tags appear about the cursor in the document edit window. Up: ASHE Menu
ParagraphThis option simply inserts the tag <P> at the current cursor position in the document. This denotes an end of paragraph. HTML ignores whitespace. Up: ASHE Menu
Format of HTML DocumentsAn HTML document is composed of a single element:
<html> ,
<head> , and <body> are actually
optional within HTML documents.Here is an example of a simple document :
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>My First HTML Document</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>This is a big Header</H1> This is a short paragraph I do not like to write too much<P> </BODY> </HTML> The HTML, HEAD and BODY tags can be inserted by typing them in or by selecting the menu option from the Document submenu under the HTML menu. Up: ASHE Menu
New HTML DocumentIf you would like to write a new document, you should select the option New under the File Menu. A dialog window pops up asking for a title of the document. The new document could be a HTML document or simple text document. If you choose the first one, this is displayed in your text window using the title that you typed in.<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>My First HTML Document</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML>If you choose a text document, the text window is cleared and you can start writing your document. Up: ASHE Menu
The File WindowThe File window pops up when you select the Open, Save as or Insert options under the File menu. This window has the following sections:
There is a limitation to the size of an open a file. In practice this is not a problem because the purpose of HTML is to link several documents with hyperlinks. Therefore short documents can be read more quickly and effectively than large documents. Up: ASHE Menu
Exporting HTML DocumentsYou can export HTML documents using the option Export as under the File Menu. A File window is displayed and you can choose to export to your HTML documents to Plain Text , Formatted Text and Postscript files.Up: ASHE Menu
Edit MenuASHE uses many of the key bindings of emacs. In the Edit menu you will find the Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete options. These options can be used when you select a text. A typical action for selecting text using the mouse is the click-drag technique. When text is selected, it is rendered in reverse video. Now the Cut and Copy options can be used for the user. Once one of the options is executed, with the Paste option you can move or copy the selected text. The Delete option clears the selected text. Up: ASHE Menu
Hyperlinks and References in HTMLThis options permits you to create hyperlinks and references in your document. The whole point of HTML is to allow networked hypertext. The tag used for HTML is A which stands for Anchor. The format is the following :
This is made simple by ASHE. Following these steps.
If the file that you want to access is in different host domain, you should use URL as the name of the file. The structure of a Universal Resource Location (URL) is similar to:
ResourceType://host.domain:port/pathnamewhere the possible resource types include: file, http, ftp, news, gopher, telnet and wais, and the colon followed by the TCP port number is optional. To create a reference in your document, just select the reference option and a Dialog window asks for the name that you want to give to the reference. The reference is set under this format
<A NAME="name_of_reference">selected text</A> Up: ASHE Menu
ImagesImages are supported by NCSA Mosaic and Netscape so ASHE can help you insert images anywhere in your document. Move your cursor where you want the image to be inserted. Select the Image option under the HTML menu and a Dialog window will ask you for the complete name of your image file. Make sure that this image is in X bitmap or GIF format. You can also select the position of the image relative to the text, top, middle or bottom. And, if the image is ismap or not This is the tag that will be inserted in your document. <IMG ALIGN="TOP" SRC="image_name.gif">Use the reload button to see this image in the browser area. ASHE only can display GIF and bitmap Images. Up: ASHE Menu
Preformatted TextThis option puts whole sections of text in a fixed-width font and also causes blank spaces to be significant. Select the text that you want to show in Mosaic in the same way as you see in ASHE. Click in the option Preformat under the HTML menu and a Message window with the selected text that you want to show preformatted. The tags <PRE> and </PRE> are inserted at the extremes of the selected text. Up: ASHE Menu
Basic StylesThe Styles menu is used to change characteristic of the fonts on XMosaic. These are:
To apply a style to some text, just select a text and choose one of these menu options. The corresponding tags will be added to the HTML document. Up: ASHE Menu
ListsThere are three kinds of lists that you can generate with ASHE: Definition List, Bulleted and Numbered List. All of them are under the Lists menu. A Definition list usually consists of alternating ``Definition titles'' (dt's) and ``Definition descriptions'' (dd's). Think of a definition lists as a glossary: a list of terms or phrases, each of which has an associated definition. To set this list use the option Definition and this will insert: <DL> <DT>Title Definition <DD>Description of the title and more stuff </DL> You can insert more definitions inside of the list, using the option Term. This option will insert the tags <DT> and <DD> inside of the Definition list. You already know bulleted and numbered lists. These can be generated with the option Unordered and Ordered. If you select text the text becomes the first item of the list. Thus, the following are examples of what ASHE does. <UL> <LI>Selected Text </UL> or <OL> <LI>Selected Text </OL> You can insert more items, using the Item option under the menu or the push button at the bottom of the main window. Up: ASHE Menu
CharactersThe general format for special characters is: &keyword;. Display a particular character identified by a special keyword. In the menu Characters, there are four entities & (&), " ("), < (<) and > (>). You can refer to the Key bindings to facilitate these characters. Up: ASHE Menu
SeparatorsThere are three separators that you can find under the menu HTML :
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Additional Features
Displaying Documents on BrowsersASHE helps you to display your HTML Documents either on Mosaic or Netscape.
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Local NavigationASHE can navigate locally. If you select a hyperlink in the HTML Browser area and if the URL is referred to a local file to the current file, a new ASHE window is displayed with the file selected. If the file is not found, an error message is displayed in the User Message area. Up: ASHE Menu
Mark TagsPushing this toggle button underlines all tags The marks are attached to the tags so when you insert more text, the tags continue underlined. If you pressed the mark tags button again all marks dissapear automatically. When a file is read and the mark tagsbutton is on, all tags are underlined immediately. Up: ASHE Menu ClearThis option clears the text area and the HTML browser area but keep the current file name. Up: ASHE Menu
This option pops up a window asking for the name of a printer. When you push the Ok button the file document is printed. Up: ASHE Menu Options MenuThe Options menu has two items:
Up: ASHE Menu HTML Forms MenuThe HTML forms menu allows to define HTML documents containing forms to be filled out by users. When a user fills out the form and presses a button indicating the form should be "submitted," the information on the form is sent to a server for processing. The server will usually prepare an HTML document using the information supplied by the user and return it to the client for display.Up: ASHE Menu Form Definition<form> . . .</form>
Define a form within an HTML document.
A document may contain multiple
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Input field
Defines an input field where the user may enter information on the form.
Each input field assigns a value to a variable which has a specified
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Select field<select> . . .</select>
defines and displays a set of optional list items from which the user
can select one or more items.
This element requires an
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Options in a select field<option>
Within the
Option is an item in the Forms menu. When this is chosen, a dialog window asks about the value to be sent when this option is selected and if this option is selected or not . Up: ASHE Menu
Text area field<textarea> . . . default text . . .</textarea>
Defines a rectangular field where the user may enter text data. If "default text" is present it will be displayed when the field appears. Otherwise the field will be blank. Attributes and their values:
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Key Bindings
Normal Command Keys
Ctrl-b Move backward a character. Meta-b Move backward a word. Meta-[ Move backward a paragraph. Meta-< Move beginning of file Meta-> Move end of file Ctrl-e Move end of line Ctrl-f Move forward a character Meta-] Move forward a paragraph Ctrl-d Kill next character Ctrl-w Kill Selection Ctrl-y Restore what you have deleted Ctrl-k Kill until the end of Line Meta-Backspace Kill previous word Ctrl-o Insert newline Ctrl-j Insert newline and move forward Ctrl-n Move to next line Ctrl-p Move to previous line Ctrl-v Move to next page Meta-v Move to previous page Up: ASHE Menu
Menus KeysAll menus can be accesed by the key Meta or Alt and the letter that is underlined and an item of the menu can be chosen just typing the letter that is underlined for that item. For example: Meta-f-n will select the menu File and the option New under this menu. The key bindings for some menu option are : Meta-n New File Meta-o Open File Meta-s Save File Meta-a Save as ... File Meta-I Insert File Ctrl-r Reload HTML Document Ctrl-t CCI connection with Mosaic Ctrl-z Netscape Connection Meta-P Print HTML Document Meta-q Quit Ctrl-Meta-p Paste Ctrl-Meta-d Delete Ctrl-Meta-u Undo Meta-t Title Meta-p Paragraph Meta-k Line Break Meta-H Horizontal Rule Meta-F Preformat Meta-C Commentary Meta-L Hyperlink Meta-N Reference Meta-G Image Meta-b Bold Meta-D Definition List Meta-T Term Meta-U Unordered Lists Meta-O Ordered Lists Meta-i Item Ctrl-h HelpThe key bindings for special characters are : Ctrl-G > (>) Ctrl-L < (<) Ctrl-& & (&) Ctrl-Q " (")The key bindings for the HTML Browser Area: Space Move to next page Return Move to next page Backspace Move to previous page Delete Move to previous page Up Move to previous line Down Move to next line Up: ASHE Menu
Numerical Character ReferencesThe following is a list of the HTML special characters :Char HTML Up: ASHE Menu
Additional InformationHTML Quick Reference:http://kuhttp.cc.ukans.edu/lynx_help/HTML_quick.html
The World Wibe Web FAQ:
Virtual Library/CyberWeb: WWW Development:
Yahoo Index on the WWW:
Web Style Manual:
Description of URLs:
Instantaneous Introduction to HTML Forms:
NCSA Mosaic Common Client Interface (CCI):
The Common Gateway Interface:
A Simple HTML Editor:
Environment for Preparing HTML Documents: NCSA Mosaic HELP Menu: on HTML and on URL Up: ASHE Menu Friends that contributed ideas during ASHE development
David Harrison
Jim Teresco |